Serve at DCC

At Disciple City Church, we believe serving is an incredibly crucial aspect of being a disciple maker. God communicated in His Word that He desires for us to honor Him by serving, too. Service, then, is ultimately all about giving God the glory He deserves! He has recreated each of us in a special way and given us resources to serve Him uniquely. See the descriptions below for examples of some of our unique ministry opportunities. If something catches your eye and you want more information about how to get plugged in, reach out to our Connect Team for help. Please note that in order to serve at DCC, you must be a member.

Creative Ministries enhance how we communicate the gospel of Christ and the mission of Disciple City Church.

Creative Worship [platform + production]
Story Team

Missional Women host women's bible studies and prayer walks throughout the West Dallas community along with our Women's Ministry gatherings.

Community Bible Studies
Women's Ministry


Finance Team counts + deposits offerings each week and assists the church in key fiscal decisions. Ministry servants must be members for at least 1 year.

First Impressions helps people feel welcomed on DCC's campus. They park, greet, and seat all guests.

Connect Team helps people feel welcomed in DCC's community. They work the connect Center each Sunday, hosts guests who have planned their visit ahead of time, and follow up with guests.

Membership Team helps people join DCC's family. They facilitate the membership process, teach membership classes, and celebrate the new siblings who complete it.

Family Ministries caring for and discipling children in our church each Sunday morning includes:

City Kids tots 18 months - 3 years old
City Kids 1 3 years - kindergarten
City Kids 2 1st - 5th grades
Road BuddieS loving kids with special needs
Hospitality host + welcome families

Creation Care exists to restore creation to our Creator by practicing + teaching sustainable habits and running the Eagle Ford Community Garden.